You are here: Supporting Documents > Reference Topics > Setting Up the Infrastructure to Meet Your Service Level Agreements > Assigning Tags to the Hypervisors and Service Catalog Applications

Assigning Tags to the Hypervisors and Service Catalog Applications

Once you have the Service Level Agreement infrastructure in place, you must assign the availability tags and other special tags to the hypervisors.

Editing Hypervisors

To edit hypervisors:

  1. In the main menu, click Hypervisors.
  2. Under Show, click Discovered.
  3. You can select any of the hypervisors which you have added to OpenStack. Select only the ones that you have set up to be mission critical.
  4. Click Mass Edit.
  5. Set the Availability type as Mission Critical.
  6. Repeat this process for all Business Critical and Commodity hypervisors.

Creating Service Catalog Items and Setting Availability

As you create your applications, set the desired availability levels on the images and deployment packages to match the application information in Appendix A: Application Information for Service Level Agreements.

Deployment of the applications place (or locate):
