You are here: Supporting Documents > Stratus Cloud Installation Guide > Installing Stratus Cloud Availability Services > Upgrading Quorum Servers for Stratus Cloud Availability Services

Upgrading Quorum Servers for Stratus Cloud Availability Services

This topic describes how to upgrade the Quorum server service (QSS) on the quorum servers associated with Stratus Cloud Availability Services. You may need to upgrade the quorum service as a result of upgrading Availability Services to a new release.

To upgrade the quorum service, first uninstall the QSS package on the quorum server, and then install the new package.

  1. Before upgrading the quorum servers, ensure that all of your KVM-FT instances are in the fault-tolerant Running/Paired state.
  2. Upgrade one quorum server at a time. Do not upgrade the second quorum server until the first server is running the new software and your KVM-FT instances return to the Running/Paired state.
  3. At least one quorum server must be running at all times to maintain the integrity of the KVM-FT instances. It is normal for the KVM-FT instances to become DEGRADED temporarily while a single quorum server is offline for the upgrade.

To upgrade the quorum servers:

  1. Log on to Stratus Cloud Workload Services and ensure that all of your KVM-FT instances are in the fault-tolerant Running/Paired state, as follows:
    1. On the Deployed Applications page, next to Group by, click Availability and then click Mission Critical to expand the category. The Mission Critical category typically contains most or all of your KVM-FT instances, but you may need to check other categories as well.
    2. Click each application to expand it. Ensure that one of the KVM-FT instances is in the Running state and that the other instance is in the Paired state. If any of the instances have advisories or are in a state other than Running/Paired, correct any problems before upgrading the quorum servers.

  2. Log on to the console of the first quorum server as the root user, or be prepared to use sudo to run commands as root.
  3. If needed, execute the following command to determine the version of the quorum service that is currently installed.

    # rpm -qa | grep qss
  4. Use a secure copy (SCP) utility to copy the quorum service installation script to the /opt/Release directory.

  5. On the quorum server, switch to the /opt/Release directory:

    # cd /opt/Release
  6. Run the following command to make the installation script an executable file, where script is the name of the script:

    # chmod a+x
  7. Run the installation script specifying the install option to upgrade the current installation, as follows:

    # ./ install
  8. Verify that the quorum service is running by entering the following command:

    # ps -ef|grep qss

    If the quorum service is running, it appears in the output as follows:

    root     25913     1  0 Jan23 ?        00:06:45 /opt/ft/sbin/qss -f
    500 31627 23021 0 18:19 pts/1 00:00:00 grep qss
  9. In Workload Services, ensure that all of your KVM-FT instances are in the fault-tolerant Running/Paired state before upgrading the second quorum server.
  10. Repeat the preceding steps to upgrade the second quorum server.