You are here: Supporting Documents > Stratus Cloud Installation Guide > Installing the Stratus Cloud Solution > Preparing to Install the Stratus Cloud Solution Without Internet Access

Preparing to Install the Stratus Cloud Solution Without Internet Access

By default, the Stratus Cloud Workload Services and Availability Services installation scripts require an Internet connection to complete the software installation. If the network firewall rules at your site prevent you from accessing the Internet, you can configure your systems as follows to circumvent the Internet requirement.

To circumvent the Internet requirement for installing Workload Services or Availability Services:

  1. Log on to the system where you will be installing the software:

  2. Remove the epel.repo file associated with the yum utility, as follows:

    # rm –f /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo
  3. Create a blank epel.repo file, as follows:

    # touch /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo

    Creating a blank epel.repo file prevents the installation script from creating a version of this file that points to external Internet repositories.

  4. Register a different EPEL repository that is available locally at your site.
  5. For Availability Services, register additional yum repositories at your site that include the CentOS packages and other software packages required to install Availability Services. For a list of the required packages, see KVM-FT Hardware and Software Requirements.
  6. For Availability Services, repeat the preceding steps for each compute node on which you will install Availability Services.