You are here: Supporting Documents > Stratus Cloud Installation Guide > Architecture and Design > Sample Network Design

Sample Network Design

The following table shows the networks configured in this implementation. This installation further assumes that the networks are configured using VLANs on the bonded eth1 interface, and that eth0 is the administrative network.

Purpose Is routed? Network Name Examples
Provides IPMI and SSH connectivity. This network is only available within the datacenter. Yes Admin net
Routed network to access OpenStack APIs. Yes API net
Routed network that provides connectivity to the floating IPs assigned to the virtual machines. Yes External net
OpenStack internal messageQ communication non-routed network. No MGMT net
OpenStack virtual machine to virtual machine communication non-routed network. No Data net
OpenStack cinder and NFS storage non-routed network. No Cinder storage

Provider Networks

Provider networks allow cloud administrators to create OpenStack Networking networks that map directly to physical networks in the data center. The Provider networks are the backbone of a virtual network(s) which maps virtual network to physical network. In the Stratus, the provider network is the externally-routed network.
